View our actual times for the event (pdf file)
The team (left to right): Jon Kinder, Bryan Carr, Rob & Yvonne Turner, Mark Fowell, Matt Tomlinson, Todd Coxhead, Jon Leek, Mark Rogerson, Robin Carter, Andy Swift. Bill Southgate took the photo.
The Rolls-Royce Harriers Autumn Challenge was held over a long weekend, 9th-11th November. The 143 mile route consisted of the Yorkshire Moors Tabular Hills and most of the Cleveland Way. It split nicely into 3 days where the team enjoyed running through hillsides cloaked in the spender of late Autumn colours, these gave way to high level moorland and open blue skies, finally finishing on North Yorkshire's iconic Cleveland Coast. This year we fielded perhaps our strongest ultra-team to date, so much was the enthusiasm for running that there wasn’t really enough of us ready to drive and navigate the support van, particularly in the early stages. The support and scheduling however was done to the usual legendary RRH standard and there were very little in the way of moans and whinges (helped I’m sure by the excellent weather). After all of that running and a fair old time rehydrating in the local watering holes we finished 2 hours ahead of schedule and at an identical pace of 5.26 mph/ave set by our (much younger) team in 2007 on the Cleveland Way. Total mileage covered by the team of 12 was 942 miles.
Report by Jon Kinder.